Friday, 9 March 2012

Keep making stuff!, Karl Hilton, Crytek.

Industry week has been a very colourful week all over the board with many high profile names coming in to give sessions on themselves! Now it was time to welcome Karl Hilton to the S11 stage.

Karl began the session with a game trailer of Crysis 2 Multiplayer; the gameplay clips have already sold the game to me as I have not played even Crysis 2! Later on in the session Karl displayed more clips of the CRY Engine which is best for multiplayer and is developed right here in Nottingham, was this why he showed us the Crysis 2 Multiplayer trailer? The CRY engine is used in more industries than the gaming industry; other forces such as the police and aerospace also use the CRY engine to develop their software further.

Many years ago, Karl studied a BA in Architecture he stated that he Mucked about with computers This was of course before moving on to an MD in Computer Visualisation and Animation which was funded by the government.

Illustrious is a hard word to give to a career but Karl well and truly deserves it; He has worked on many AAA game titles such as the TimeSplitters series and SecondSight. This was of course while he was working with Free Radical Design; this company was also very Infamous for the video game title Haze! These titles, other than Haze, have sold millions of units around the world branching out on the PS2, GameCube and Xbox. These games were that good; the games sold in batches to such places as Europe, North America, Japan, South Korea and Australia!

On the situation of game sales Karl also stated that the game industry is changing. This is exiting news for the consumer but not so much for the game retailers such as GAME and Game Station which are already on their back legs due to digital downloads and other services such as Steam and Cloud Gaming .In South Korea there isn’t a single games store! This is due to the internet averaging at around 100mb in speed in South Korea, which is the average speed for a home connection! Crazy! The average for the UK is only around 17mb! WOW!

Before Karl opened up the room for questions he spoke about the current situation of Crytek, such as a project that is in progress right now, He told us that Crytek are developing Homefront 2 for THQ, but unfortunately due to disclaimers in contracts sadly, that is all he could tell us at this time! He also spoke briefly about Crytek buying out FreeRedicalDesign and Crytek becoming Crytek GmbH! Crytek are working on 2 secret projects which again, we can’t hear about. University doesn’t matter to Crytek, because Karl believes that if you have a skill, you should work towards it. Just build a portfolio! Keep making stuff!

Words were wise from Karl, and will surely help us all when we come to our breakthrough into the industry; we respect his schedule and truly thank Karl for making an appearance in industry week.

Thanks for reading another post for

By Nick Mason, a level 3 in Interactive gaming.

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